Yifei Sun

I am a final-year CS Ph.D. student at Zhejiang University, fortunately advised by Prof. Yang Yang. Previously, I visited National University of Singapore (NUS) from Nov 2023 to Jun 2024. (working with Prof. Bingsheng He, Prof. Bryan Hooi and Prof. Zemin Liu).

My current research interests lie primarily in the area of Machine Learning and Data Mining on Graphs, including but not limited to graph neural networks, graph pre-training, and real-world applications on graphs. Moreover, in this era of LLMs, I am dedicated to building Graph Foundation Models (GFMs) and developing specialized graph LLMs.

⭐️ The main goal of my Ph.D. research is to build generalizable graph models and frameworks, capable of learning from rich and complex graph data and enhancing their utility across diverse downstream tasks and datasets.

Ongoing Work

  • [🌏Generalization at the Graph Principle Level] Towards Graph Foundation Model across Domains.
  • [💡Generalization at the Graph Task Level] Graph LLM for Zero-Shot Multi-Label Node Classification.
  • [💡Generalization at the Graph Task Level] Tackling Multi-label Node Classification. (Under Review)

If interested, please drop me a message by email.


Selected Publications (Full version see Google Scholar)

Narrow the Gap between Graph Pre-training and Fine-tuning

[🎈Generalization at the Graph Data Level]

Break the limitation of GNNs on graph data homophily

[🎈Generalization at the Graph Data Level]

Academic Activities